News, Translation

A New Year – Years and Chapters

They say the end of a chapter means the start of another. Many go through life and "butterfly" their way through it; one project has not yet ended that two others are halfway to completion. Some others believe in investing their all into one project at a time, fully experiencing the journey instead of hopping… Continue reading A New Year – Years and Chapters

Discussion, News, Translation

Popularity… At What Cost?

Ironic! My previous blog post relates to my blogging strategy and how I aim to teach and this one, although still relating to my blogging strategy, sets itself apart from that goal. Remember the experiment I conducted a little more than a year ago? You know, the one where I compare results between my professional… Continue reading Popularity… At What Cost?


Writing or Translating into Your Second Language

Why do you translate only from your second language into your mother tongue? I have a very valid reason to have chosen so, but first, let's start by stating a distinction is to be made between writing in a second language and translating into a second language. Wait a minute! Don't you write when you… Continue reading Writing or Translating into Your Second Language